
Showing posts from August, 2018

Intoxicated Male at Downtown Train Station Northwest Highway and Dunton Ave, Arlington Heights

Police on scene with an intoxicated subject at the train station requested an ambulance. FIRE/MEDIC UNITS ASSIGNED ... ENGINE(S): E ?? TRUCK(S): T ?? TL ?? SQUAD(S): SQD1 CHIEF(S): BC ?? EMS: A1 intoxicated male, EMS Call, intoxicated male Arlington Heights, EMS call Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Police Department, Arlington Heights Fire Department

Crash with Injuries at Rand Road and Arlington Heights Road Arlington Heights

Police and firefighter/paramedics received a report of a crash with an apparent minor injury. Second personal injury crash at Arlington Heights Road and Rand Road today. FIRE/MEDIC UNITS ASSIGNED ... ENGINE(S): E ?? E ?? TRUCK(S): T ?? TL ?? SQUAD(S): SQD2 CHIEF(S): BC ?? EMS: A2 A ?? E = Engine, T = Ladder Truck, TL = Tower Ladder, Q = Quint, SQD = Squad, BC = Battalion Chief, A = Ambulance crash, personal injury crash, crash Arlington Heights, personal injury crash Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Police Department, Arlington Heights Fire Department