
Crash with Injuries at Kensington Rd and Prindle Ave, Arlington Heights

Police and firefighter/paramedics received a report that one person needed to be checked for car crash injuries. crash, personal injury crash, crash Arlington Heights, personal injury crash Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Police Department, Arlington Heights Fire Department

Police Escort for Great Lakes Navy Recruits to Christian Liberty Academy

Police escort for the Great Lakes Navy Recruits arrived at Christian Liberty Academy, 502 West Euclid Avenue in Arlington Heights about 9:30 a.m. Christmas Day, Tuesday. The annual event is organized by Bob and Linda Stack, parents of Marine Lance Cpl. James Stack, who was killed in Afghanistan in November 2010, leaving behind his 19-year-old widow, Katie, and a 1-year-old daughter. The recruits, who have been isolated from television and the Internet since early November, are set to graduate in January 2019. The recruits are treated to an awesome lunch and dinner and hosted with amenities such as Internet, video games and use of the gym. Their police escort entered Arlington Heights on westbound Palatine Road near Schoenbeck to Arlington Heights Road, then southbound Arlington Heights Road to Euclid Avenue, then westbound Euclid Avenue to Ridge Avenue to the steps at Grace Gym. Great Lakes Navy Recruits, Christian Liberty Academy

Intoxicated Male at Downtown Train Station Northwest Highway and Dunton Ave, Arlington Heights

Police on scene with an intoxicated subject at the train station requested an ambulance. FIRE/MEDIC UNITS ASSIGNED ... ENGINE(S): E ?? TRUCK(S): T ?? TL ?? SQUAD(S): SQD1 CHIEF(S): BC ?? EMS: A1 intoxicated male, EMS Call, intoxicated male Arlington Heights, EMS call Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Police Department, Arlington Heights Fire Department

Crash with Injuries at Rand Road and Arlington Heights Road Arlington Heights

Police and firefighter/paramedics received a report of a crash with an apparent minor injury. Second personal injury crash at Arlington Heights Road and Rand Road today. FIRE/MEDIC UNITS ASSIGNED ... ENGINE(S): E ?? E ?? TRUCK(S): T ?? TL ?? SQUAD(S): SQD2 CHIEF(S): BC ?? EMS: A2 A ?? E = Engine, T = Ladder Truck, TL = Tower Ladder, Q = Quint, SQD = Squad, BC = Battalion Chief, A = Ambulance crash, personal injury crash, crash Arlington Heights, personal injury crash Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Police Department, Arlington Heights Fire Department

Comcast Internet Outage in Arlington Heights May 1, 2018 09:30 AM

The Arlington Heights Park District report they were aware of some Comcast Internet outages across Arlington Heights and service maybe spotty. The park district advised that if residents are having difficulties, they should register at Admin Center, Camelot Park, Olympic, and Pioneer today.

Hydrant Flushing Begins April 23, 2018 in Arlington Heights

The annual hydrant flushing program will begin April 23 in the center sections of the Village, with different neighborhoods in the Village being done over a two and a half week period. The hydrant flushing ensures hydrants are operable and have adequate flow rates for public safety. During the two and a half weeks of hydrant flushing residents may notice that water is discolored due to flushing. The Village of Arlington Heights recommends resident not to wash white clothes until the water clears up (should clear up within an hour). Please check the attached map of flushing to see when your neighborhood will be flushed. [MAP: ] Hydrant flushing will begin April 23 -25 for neighborhoods between Sigwalt Street north to Palatine Road; April 26 - 30 for neighborhoods north of Palatine Road up to Hintz Road and neighborhoods south of Sigwalt Street to Central Road; May 1 - May 2 includes neighborhoods fro...

Union Pacific Train Gates Malfunctioning at Euclid Ave and Northwest Highway

Union Pacific/Metra train gates have been going up and down several times with no trains in sight Saturday morning at Northwest Highway and Euclid Avenue in Arlington Heights. Union Pacific was notified for repair. This is a recurring problem at the crossing grade.

Arlington Heights Sanitary Sewer Smoke Testing Starts August 23, 2017

The Village of Arlington Heights has awarded a contract to Burns & McDonnell to conduct inflow and infiltration testing of the sanitary sewers in several subdivisions within the Village. This testing is required by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC) as an ongoing effort to minimize rain water flows into the sanitary sewer system. The Village has selected an investigative program using smoke testing of the sanitary sewer system to help identify any potential sources of storm water inflow and infiltration. Testing will be conducted in Michael Manor, Somerset, Arlington Vista, Hasbrook from August 23 through August 31, 2017. A map highlighting these locations is available on the Village's website [PDF] . A reminder doorknob hanger will be distributed to you and your neighbors 24 to 48 hours in advance of testing in your subdivision. Orange informational signs will be posted at the local road entrances within 24 hours of smoke testing The tes...

Labor Day “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” and “Click It or Ticket” Traffic Campaign

The Arlington Heights Police Department will commence specialized traffic enforcement activities relating to the Labor Day holiday "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" and "Click It or Ticket" enforcement campaigns August 21st to September 5th, 2017. Enforcement activities will include numerous seatbelt enforcement zones, impaired driving saturation patrols, and a Roadside Safety Checkpoint. The checkpoint will take place of Friday, August 25th, 2017 on Arlington Heights Road south of Algonquin Road. Officers working the campaigns will be attempting to identify and cite motorists who choose to drive without using their safety belts, are driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or are committing other traffic-related offenses. The campaigns are funded with federal traffic safety funds, which are administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation – Division of Transportation Safety. Labor Day traffic campaign, Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over, Clic...