
Showing posts from April, 2017

Arlington Heights Fire Hydrant Flushing Starts April 24, 2017

Fire hydrant flushing is scheduled to start on April 24 and will run through May 5. Each year, the Village of Arlington Heights Public Works Staff operates, flushes, and maintains 3,300 public and 850 private fire hydrants. The personnel generally work in consecutive 12 hour shifts to rapidly facilitate this event with minimal inconvenience to Arlington Heights residents. Some benefits that are generated from this scheduled operation and maintenance are: Every public fire hydrant is operated and maintained. If it cannot be maintained, it is marked out of service and the emergency response agencies are notified. The hydrant is then brought back into service as soon as possible. Every private hydrant is operated and if maintenance is necessary, appropriate owners and emergency agencies are promptly notified and the hydrant is marked as out of service. Maintenance is monitored until complete. Water is measured in gallons per minute in order to document flow for the Fire Department

Refuse Collection Rates Change April 1, Landscape Waste Collection Begins April 3

Per the Village's contract with Groot Industries, refuse collection rates will change on April 1, 2017 for single-family homes. The new rate schedule is listed below. Curbside service for once per week is $17.67 per month and $24.78 per month for twice a week.For seniors, the cost is $15.03 per month for once-a-week service and $21.07 per month for twice a week. Back Door service for once per week is $28.33 per month and $40.51 per month for twice a week. For seniors, the cost is $24.08 per month for once-a-week service and $34.43 per month for twice a week. Click here to view the 2017 brochure regarding the Village's solid waste program. Landscape Waste Collection Season, April 3 – December 15. Landscape waste stickers will cost $2.65 beginning April 1 and must be placed on all landscape waste bags and bundles of brush prior to collection, except for those households participating in the subsc